Predator Bloody Sands of Time Issue # 1 (@DarkHorseComics) – Comic Covers

Predator Bloody Sands of Time Issue # 1 (Dark Horse Comics) - Comic Covers

Predator: The Bloody Sands of Time #1 released by Dark Horse Comics on February 1, 1992

The discovery of a long-lost diary leads to an investigation of predator visits to Earth during World War I. With the planet coming apart at the seams, we discover that the Nazis weren’t the only ones interested in world domination!

Written by
Dan Barry
Mike Richardson

Penciled by
Dan Barry

Inked by
Chris Warner

Colored by
Gail Beckett

Lettered by
Gail Beckett

Cover(s) by
Dan Barry (#1-2)
Chris Warner (#1)

Dark Horse Comics