The Invincible Iron Man (1968) #183 (@Marvel)

Iron Man (1968) #183 (@Marvel)

Iron Man #183 – All The Kinds Of Fear! released by Marvel on June 1, 1984

Tony Stark perseveres against obstacles which can crush his very soul! And it’s still nothing compared to what Iron Man has to face!

Dennis “Denny” O’Neil

Luke Mcdonnell

Cover Artist:
Luke Mcdonnell

Iron Man’s gauntlets are disabled and have to be removed due to problems relating to the technology that was added to them during Secret Wars. Rhodey rejects going to Stark for help, arguing that Stark needs to focus exclusively on his recovery from alcoholism. However, it’s clear that there’s more to Rhodey’s refusal than that.

But he, Morley, and Cly need to raise a final $20,000 to start their business together, so when Regis Fusskey calls with a job, Rhodey takes it and gets a pair of simple red gloves to cover up the fact that his armor is incomplete.

The job is protecting a building where there’s a fight going on between the original Taurus from the Zodiac, and the robot version that was created by Scorpio during Defenders #48-51. We don’t learn the details of why they are fighting.

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