Zatanna (August 20, 1964) This Day In Comics

Zatanna (August 20, 1964) This Day In Comics - Hawkman #4
Zatanna August 20 1964 This Day In Comics Hawkman 4

Zatanna (August 20, 1964) This Day In Comics – Hawkman #4

Zatanna first appeared in Hawkman #4 (August 20, 1964). Zatanna was created in 1964 by writer Gardner Fox and artist Murphy Anderson when it was decided that DC needed a magic-wielding heroine.

Zatanna (August 20, 1964) This Day In Comics - Hawkman #4
Zatanna August 20 1964 This Day In Comics Hawkman 4

She is the daughter of magician Giovanni Zatara, a member of the mystical Homo magi race. Zatanna makes her living as a stage illusionist prior to discovering her magical abilities while investigating the disappearance of her father. Her original costume is based upon her father’s costume but substituting fishnet stockings and high heels for slacks. Zatanna is one of the most powerful sorceresses in the DC universe, whose abilities are apparently genetic. As a tribute to her father and as a focal point, she usually casts spells by speaking verbal commands backwards. She has proven capable on many occasions of casting spells by speaking normally, and, in rarer occasions, the ability to use magic for simple tasks without speaking. The limits of her powers have never been clearly established.

Zatanna is a member of the Homo Magi race and is genetically gifted with great magical talent. She can cast an incredible number of spells, which she usually does by speaking backwards as a tribute to her father. However, the backward-speaking is not always necessary for her to cast spells. Speaking backwards is as easy for her as it is to speak forwards.

Zatanna has shown great control of her magic ability, which extends to an ability to elemental sorcery:

  • Pyrokinesis-Generation and control of fire.
  • Aerokinesis- Generation and control of the air.
  • Cyrokinesis-Generation and control of ice.
  • Hydrokinesis- Control of water.
  • Geokinesis- Control of earth.
  • Chlorokinesis-Control over plants.
  • Thermokinesis- Able to manipulate the temperature of a place to stay warm in cold environments.

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