Doctor Faustus (August 1, 1968) This Day In Comics

Doctor Faustus (August 1, 1968) This Day In Comics
Doctor Faustus August 1 1968 This Day In Comics 1968 This Day In Comics

Doctor Faustus is an Austrian psychiatrist and criminal mastermind who employs psychological manipulation of his enemies. He has proclaimed himself the “Master of Men’s Minds,” and is known for the use of psychological methods of combat. His plots typically involve manipulating his foes into positions where they will, essentially, kill themselves.

Doctor Faustus (August 1, 1968) This Day In Comics
Doctor Faustus August 1 1968 This Day In Comics

In his first appearance in Captain America #107 (August 1, 1968), Faustus induced nightmares and hallucinations in Steve Rogers in an attempt to drive him insane. However, he was easily bested in a physical confrontation. Faustus has no superhuman powers but has a genius intellect, and is extremely charismatic and can modulate his voice in a highly persuasive manner.

Faustus has a genius level intellect, a doctorate in psychiatry and a highly persuasive voice. He is charismatic enough to win the trust of patients and allies, before inadvertently using them in his plans. While a skilled hypnotist, his more elaborate plans have employed “hologram projectors, hallucinogenic gas dispensers, androids, and elaborate props’. Even pawns impersonating various people important to his victims (friends, enemies, etc).

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