The Badoon (July 16, 1968) – This Day In Comics

The Badoon (July 16, 1968) - This Day In Comics
The Badoon July 16 1968 This Day In Comics

The Badoon (July 16, 1968) – This Day In Comics

The Badoon are older than the Kree and the Skrulls. They first appeared in Silver Surfer #2 (July 16, 1968).

The Badoon (July 16, 1968) - This Day In Comics
The Badoon July 16 1968 This Day In Comics

They are notable for living under strict gender segregation, resulting in two separate societies; the Brotherhood of Badoon (ruled by a “Brother Royal”) and the Sisterhood of Badoon (ruled by a Queen). There was a natural hatred between the two genders, and they fought each other in long gender wars. Eventually, the males won, placing the females in captivity.

In time, the males developed technology and abandoned Lotiara, returning only when their mating drive made it necessary. The Brotherhood live on the planet Moord in the Lomora star system while the Sisterhood reside on the Badoon homeworld of Lotiara. The males became conquerors of worlds, while the females became pacifists, content to remain in peace on their homeworld and ignorant of the males’ star-spanning empire.

Badoon invasion attempts of Earth have been overcome by the Silver Surfer, Namor, and the New Warriors. They were also opposed by the combined forces of the X-Men, the Fantastic Four and Arkon in order to liberate Arkon’s homeworld and prevent an invasion of the Shi’ar empire.