Karl Lykos (July 15, 1969) This Day In Comics

Karl Lykos (July 15, 1969) This Day In Comics - Sauron - X-Men #60
Karl Lykos July 15 1969 This Day In Comics Sauron X Men 60

Karl Lykos (July 15, 1969) This Day In Comics

Karl Lykos was the son of an explorer’s guide. As a teenager, he accompanied his father to Tierra del Fuego as the elder Lykos guided a wealthy client named Mr. Anderssen and Anderssen’s young daughter, Tanya. While defending Tanya from mutant pterodactyls, Karl was bitten by one of the creatures. During his recovery, he discovered that he could now drain the life-force of other organisms. He found himself repeatedly tempted to use his new power, feeling that he needed to drain life energy from other humans or animals to survive. Dr. Lykos became a colleague of Professor Charles Xavier, and first encountered the X-Men when they sought treatment for Havok. Absorbing Havok’s mutant energy transformed him into a vampiric, pterodactyl-like monster with human intelligence and superhuman hypnotic powers. He first fully appeared in X-Men #60 (July 15, 1969).

Karl Lykos (July 15, 1969) This Day In Comics - Sauron - X-Men #60
Karl Lykos July 15 1969 This Day In Comics Sauron X Men 60

He named himself Sauron and battled the X-Men, as a would-be conqueror. When he realized that his transformation would threaten Tanya, he fled to Tierra del Fuego. Without energy to absorb, Sauron turned back into Karl. When Tanya tracked him down, Karl threw himself off a cliff to avoid harming her.