Crimson Dynamo (July 30, 2003) This Day In Comics

Crimson Dynamo (July 30, 2003) This Day In Comics
Crimson Dynamo July 30 2003 This Day In Comics

In Crimson Dynamo #1 (July 30, 2003), Russian collegiate Gennady Gavrilov became the eighth Crimson Dynamo after he found the helmet of a “Beta unit” designed by Anton Vanko based on but improved over the original, with its very own recharging satellite in orbit. Believing the helmet to be a sophisticated gaming system, Gavrilov caused the dormant armor to awaken and make its way towards the helmet, inadvertently leaving a trail of destruction. He would eventually, if briefly, wear the entire armor in a standoff with the Russian military. He kept the armor afterward.

Crimson Dynamo (July 30, 2003) This Day In Comics
Crimson Dynamo July 30 2003 This Day In Comics

Gennady Gavrilov was created by John Jackson Miller and Steve Ellis and first appeared in Crimson Dynamo #1.

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