Bi-Beast (July 31, 1973) This Day In Comics

Bi-Beast (July 31, 1973) This Day In Comics
Bi Beast July 31 1973 This Day In Comics Marvel

Bi-Beast (July 31, 1973) This Day In Comics

The Bi-Beast is an android with two heads (one atop the other – the top head was given a knowledge of warfare while the bottom head was given a knowledge of culture) created many years ago by an avian race that were in turn a sub-species of the Inhumans. For reasons unknown, that species died out, and the Bi-Beast is left to its own devices in their city. Years later, the creature sees the Harpy with Bruce Banner, and is reminded of its former avian masters. The Bi-Beast captures them both and instructs Banner to fix the now-decaying machines in the city. Banner instead chooses to cure the Harpy, who reverts to the form of Betty Ross soon after. The Bi-Beast becomes aware of Banner’s deception and fights Banner’s alter-ego the Hulk, but is distracted when an A.I.M. strike force led by MODOK storms the city. Rather than allow its home to be captured, the Bi-Beast activates a self-destruct mechanism and perishes in the explosion.

The Bi-Beast first appeared in The Incredible Hulk #169 (July 31, 1973).

Bi-Beast (July 31, 1973) This Day In Comics
Hulk 169 Bi Beast July 31 1973 This Day In Comics Marvel

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