Artemis (July 12, 1994) This Day In Comics

Artemis (July 12, 1994) This Day In Comics - Wonder Woman #90
Artemis July 12 1994 This Day In Comics Wonder Woman 90

Artemis (July 12, 1994) This Day In Comics

Artemis was born an Amazon as a member of the Egyptian tribe of Bana-Mighdall, who migrated from Greece to various European and Middle Eastern countries before finally settling in Egypt. As a child, Artemis was raised in poverty among her tribe, running naked through barren hills and often hungry. By the time she was 10 years old she was trained to carry 50 lbs. packs silently across night battlefields.

Eventually Wonder Woman found their city while searching for the villain The Cheetah, who had stolen her golden Lasso of Truth. A battle took place between her and the Bana-Mighdallian’s chief warrior or Shim’Tar. Soon an enraged Olympian god Hermes, who was in love with Diana, took vengeance on the desert Amazons for attacking his beloved, and the city of Bana-Mighdall was destroyed. Homeless, the remaining Amazons eventually took up with the witch Circe who was a nemesis of Wonder Woman. It was agreed that in exchange for their servitude during the events of the War of the Gods Circe would grant them immortality and a new home to call their own. It was decided that since the Themyscirian princess was the initial cause of their city being destroyed, they would take over her Amazon city instead. Though only fourteen years of age at this time,

Artemis spoke before the Queen and Council to protest the planned attack as she felt that Amazons must not war against each other. Her cries were ignored and the attack was undertaken. During the attack on Themyscira, the witch Circe showed her true colors and teleported the island into a dimension of demons in order for both tribes to be destroyed. The two tribes put aside their rivalry temporarily and fought the demons in order to ensure the Amazon survival. Discovering that Circe had made her island home disappear, Wonder Woman forced her to return it to its rightful place. Once this was done Wonder Woman learned about the invasion, the demon war, and the Amazon truce. She eventually met Artemis who was now in her mid-20s. The two got off to a rocky start but Diana could see that Artemis’ heart was true.

Artemis of Bana-Mighdall debuted in Wonder Woman #90 (July 12, 1994).

Artemis (July 12, 1994) This Day In Comics - Wonder Woman #90
Artemis July 12 1994 This Day In Comics Wonder Woman 90