BLOW AWAY #3 (BOOM! Studios) New Comics
Risk Your Life for the Truth in BLOW AWAY #3
A Neo-Noir Paranoid Thriller from BOOM! Studios Continues in June 2024
BOOM! Studios revealed today a first look at BLOW AWAY #3. Hot off of his hit adaptation of the seminal paranormal nonfiction novel Hunt for the Skinwalker, Zac Thompson along with star artist Nicola Izzo (Buffy The Last Vampire Slayer), colorist Francesco Segala with Gloria Martinelli, and letterer DC Hopkins of Andworld Design, team-up for a neo-noir crime thriller in the tradition of Fargo and Rear Window in BOOM! Studios’ BLOW AWAY!
Is Brynne willing to risk her life for the truth? As a deadly storm precedes her treacherous climb up Mount Odin alone, her paranoia turns parasocial in the way she views her suspects, and her impatience reaches a boiling point. As she makes her way to the scene of the crime, will she find the answers she seeks, or will the mountain get the best of her?
BLOW AWAY #3 features covers by Annie Wu (Hawkeye), Tyler Boss (Dead Dog’s Bite), and Suspiria Vilchez (Stuff of Nightmares).
BLOW AWAY #3 will be available in comic shops June 19, 2024. It is available for pre-order at your local comic shop. Digital copies can be purchased from content providers, including Kindle, iBooks, and Google Play.
Blow Away #3 A Main: APR240097
Blow Away #3 B Variant: APR240098
Blow Away #3 C 1:10 INCV: APR240099
Blow Away #3 D 1:20 INCV: APR240100