Doop (May 23, 2001) This Day In Comics
Doop was said to be the product of a Cold War era U.S. military experiment, becoming instrumental in the fall of the Soviet Union. First appearing in X-Force #116 (May 23, 2001), he later served as the cameraman for the celebrity mutant superhero team X-Statix. He films a mission to North Africa which is later criticized by then-team leader Zeitgeist; he feels Doop should not be going for artistic shots. The next X-Force mission is to New York, where they are to rescue the boy band “Boyz R Us” from hostage takers. While in the briefing room, U-Go Girl asks Doop not to keep shooting her rear from a low angle.
Doop replies in his language only the characters know, while inexplicably mouthing some of his recording equipment. Doop’s abilities displayed in the comics thus far have included superhuman strength and durability, flight, regeneration, physical malleability, a vaguely defined ability to manipulate time and/or space, and the ability to replicate physical objects by unknown means.