Nyx once killed Vampirella. More recently, they were tenuous allies.
When their paths cross again, will it be as friends, enemies, somewhere in between, or all the above? How does Vampirella fit into Nyx’s quest to learn how to live among humanity without harming them, when it’s something Vampirella herself has never quite mastered? It could all become moot when old-school Vampirella foes the Cult of Chaos return seeking vengeance, both on Vampi and the disloyal daughter of Chaos who has rejected their mad god. (That’s Nyx, FYI.) One thing’s for sure – fangs, fists, and flame will fly!
Writer: Christos Gage
Artist: Marc Borstel
Covers: Rose Besch (A), Fernando Dagnino (B), Greebo Vigonte (C), Giuseppe Matteoni (D), Giuseppe Matteoni (E-RI/BW), Greebo Dagnino (F-RI/Virgin), Fernando Dagnino (G-RI/Virgin), Rose Besch (H-RI/BW)
FC | 32 pages | Horror, Action/Adventure | $3.99 | Teen+
Check Out Preview – Nyx #3 (Dynamite Comics)
Mistress Nyx was born of an unholy union between the mad-god Chaos and a priestess, Lucretia, making her half human/half demon. Nyx was groomed to be the destroyer of the worlds, to spread the message of violence and despair all in the name of Chaos. As a child, Nyx was thought to hate mankind and everything it stood for despite having human appearance.