Marvel Comics original MARVEL UNIVERSE Poster (originally printed in 1985 this version is from 1992) measures 50 inches by 50 inches. This rare & incredible poster features every marvel character up to 1985 (no…really EVERY character…from obscure ones & fan favs). The artist took over 10 years to finish this. The poster features: Spider-Man, Captain America, Wolverine, the X-Men, Avengers, She-Hulk, Hulk, Iron-Man, Hawkeye, the Taskmaster, Storm, Cyclops, Wolverine, the Hellions, New Mutants, Magneto, Thor, Hera, the Fantastic Four, Kazar, Daredevil, Phoenix, the Punisher, Spiderwoman I & II, Dr. Strange, Siryn, Tigra, Viper, Power Pack, Nova, Luke Cage, Snowbird, Aurora, Northstar, the Watcher, Namorita, the Vulture, Seris, Baron Zemo, Çaptain Universe, Cloak & Dagger, Diamondback, Longshot, Dazzler, Hercules, Hellcat, Namor, Kitty Pryde – and sooo many more!
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